YAI Supplier Diversity Statement
YAI believes that our efforts to create a level playing field for people with disabilities are advanced by an affirmation of equality in all aspects of our operation including purchasing, employment, and governance. We stand in support of communities of color and women and in defense of their economic, social, and political rights. Across this organization, individuals who reflect a range of human experiences are as integral to day-to-day operations as individual support plans, proper emergency protocols, and person-first language. As such, YAI is committed to providing opportunities to develop and engage certified minority, disabled, women, LGBT, and veteran businesses. We look for every opportunity to engage and support these businesses, including following a strict procurement procedure when selecting vendors.
We welcome inquiries from all enterprises and suppliers interested in becoming affiliated with YAI. Please email Steven Fiorillo, Director, Insurance & Procurement, with an overview of your firm’s capacities and contact details. A member of YAI’s staff will contact you.