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New York State Health Home Directory (DOH)


The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has created an online database to help families find a Health Home that serves their county. 

A ´Health Home´ is not a physical place; it is a group of health care and service providers working together to make sure someone gets the care and services they need to stay healthy. Once enrolled in a Health Home, they will have a care manager that works with them to develop a care plan. A care plan maps out the services needed, to put them on the road to better health. Some of the services may include:

  • Connecting to health care providers,
  • Connecting to mental health and substance abuse providers,
  • Connecting to needed medications,
  • Help with housing,
  • Social services (such as food, benefits, and transportation) or,
  • Other community programs that can support and assist them.