Now is a time for all of us to help raise awareness about the rights and needs of people we know, love and work with who have autism spectrum disorders. People with autism have always been central to the mission of the YAI Network. We have a long history of providing high quality services to people of all ages on the spectrum.
These days, autism is very much a household word due to the high prevalence of this diagnosis and the tremendous amount of media coverage devoted to ASD. However, this was definitely not the case in 1957, when YAI was one of the first agencies of its kind to provide services to people who today would be diagnosed as having autism.
For more than 50 years, the YAI Network has remained at the forefront of the movement to empower people with ASDs by helping them to develop skills to lead successful, fulfilling lives. We recognized early on the importance of early intervention and have helped thousands of children on the spectrum reach major developmental milestones and move on to bright futures.
Through our residential, day, educational, family support, clinical, health care and recreational services, the YAI Network enables people with ASD to live, work, grow and thrive in their communities. Through dozens of social programs throughout our Network, we are helping children and adults with ASD develop friendships and social networks. We have continued our legacy of leadership in the field by creating the YAI Autism Center in order to provide a coordinated continuum of treatment and family support under one roof.
The YAI Network has always placed a high priority on providing training and resources for staff who work with people on the spectrum, whether at the YAI Network or in agencies across the country or from around the world. Our training videos, International Conference and online Resource Center all provide staff at every level with the support and tools they need to provide the best services to their clients.
While the cause of autism remains unknown, the YAI Network is firmly committed to promoting the rights of children and adults with ASD and to empowering them to lead the most fulfilling lives possible.
What you can do
- Talk to people about the contributions of people with autism in every sphere of life.
- Make a collage of well-known people with autism in your program.
- Watch documentaries celebrating the achievements of people with autism.
- Print and distribute these materials in your workplace, local coffee shop, religious institution or community center. They are provided courtesy of the State of New York and include a flyer and a bookmark in English and a bookmark in Spanish.