I moved into my own apartment eight years ago. But before that I lived in the Bronx with a roommate for two-and-a-half years.
I remember thinking how much I wanted to get my own apartment so I could spread my wings of idenendence. I felt I could take care of myself.
Today, I'm able to accomplish most of my goals alone –- cooking, grocery shooping, take my medications, get medications filled, etc.
Staff come in one or two times a week. They may help me with my laundry or budgeting. Budgeting is my weakenss. I buy soap opera magazines and music every week. They try telling me not to buy so many magazines and that I should put the money toward haircuts, toiletries or my unlimited MetroCard.
I like living independentlyly because I have the freedom to do what I want. I get to live the life I always wanted.