Wilma Williams, a Family Service Specialist, has worked for YAI’s Project A.S.S.I.S.T. for 10 years. On most days, she facilitates behavior training and skills development for three people with developmental disabilities and their families. But on January 26, 2010, Wilma, along with her co-workers, Izuanette Garcia-Cintron, Dianna Edwards and Brenda Parker traveled to Albany for Legislative Advocacy Day at the New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies (NYSACRA), an advocacy association that represents YAI and similar organizations.
"I was advocating to urge senators and leaders to prevent further cuts in the 2010-11 budget for people with disabilities and to let them know how the cuts would affect people with disabilities," Wilma said. “Without our services, their lives would be jeopardized. Our presence in the home makes a great difference to the families.”
The four Project A.S.S.I.S.T. staff members met with legislators from their voting districts to discuss the importance of their work in the lives of the people and families they serve.
Wilma also advocated for the needs Family Service Specialists: “FSSs go above the call of duty in providing services, but we are not paid enough for the work we do.”
Wilma and her co-workers at Project A.S.S.I.S.T. hope that their advocacy efforts will inspire a system-wide change.
"I feel strongly about it because I truly believe in the rights of people with developmental disabilities and that they should have a normal life, as everyone else, and the right to attain their highest level of independence.”
Family Service Specialists in YAI’s Project A.S.S.I.S.T. help people of all ages with developmental disabilities learn new skills, become more independent and achieve greater inclusion in their homes and communities. Family Service Specialists are committed to the advancement of people with disabilities.
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