Our Foothill Residence recently held its annual holiday party. This grand affair is a time when the residents, their families, and staff can all celebrate the holiday season with delicious food, treats, and gifts. However, this year was a little different.
In this day in age with numerous budget cuts, we need to do more with less, and the staff had to think of way to continue the holiday tradition efficiently.
In the weeks leading up to the party we sent out invitations to each of the families and said that this year,"We're having a pot-luck" and "Bring your famous dishes to pass!" We waited anxiously for the day to come. Last week at the party there was so much food we couldn't believe it! Families brought pies, cakes, fried chicken, etc... it was a wonderful feast and a great example of staff and family collaborating to make the holidays happen, and start a tradition that will surely continue for many years to come!