
Four volunteers from YAI's Tarrytown Day Habilitation program were recently honored at the 30th annual American Dreamer Achievement Awards.
Hosted by the Southern Westchester BOCES Center for Special Services, the event honors volunteers who perform outstanding works of service for, and on behalf of, students with disabilities.
“These women want to do good and have such big hearts,” said Ahna Smith, Assistant Program Director at Tarrytown Day Hab. “It’s a passion that they have and it was great to see and they were always so excited to work with the kids. Their confidence went up too from volunteering their time at the school.”
Margaret Ahrend, Angela Chan, Lauren Philips, and Tiffany Major were honored for their weekly commitment to mentoring students at Tappan Hill School. The students are part of the High School Multiply Disabled class. The women met with students every Wednesday and formed a special connection with each of them.
Chan and Philips worked with students in gym class. They assisted Coach Diane Storm any way they could and helped with cleanup at the end of the day. Major used her creative talent to make customized jewelry boxes with her students during her one-to-one time with them.
Ahrend used her love for books and channeled it by reading to the students and encouraging them to participate in sensory-friendly games and activities.
"I like volunteering with the kids, it makes me happy. My favorite part is volunteering in gym class," said Chan.
The volunteers were one of six groups who were honored at the luncheon ceremony on May 24.
“I could not be prouder of all they have accomplished. The principal of the school nominated them and has asked them to continue to volunteer through their summer programs...we are hoping it continues for years to come,” said Smith.