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The future of thousands of children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities is at stake.

Even though New York State has a $6 billion surplus from bank settlements and both the Senate and Assembly have identified an additional $300 million in revenue, the word from Albany is that they may not be willing to use any of it to invest in supports and services for people with developmental disabilities.

Today, we need you to urge your state Legislators and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie to invest in supports and services for people with developmental disabilities.

Tell them:

Families Cannot Be Caregivers Forever: Aging parents have been caring for their adult children for decades and need 3,500 new day and residential opportunities. We need $30 million for half the year to provide these critical supports.

Save Our Preschools: Many preschools for children with special needs will close without additional funding. We need to invest $30 million now in these life-changing services for 3- to 5-year-olds with disabilities. These schools are proven to give children the best chance of catching up with their typically-developing peers and will save taxpayers money for future supports.

Contact your state representative and leaders today! Call the Senate at 518.455.2800 and the Assembly 518.455.4100.

Find your Senator's direct contact information.

Find your Assembly Member's specific contact information.​​

Please share this email with family and friends. We appreciate your advocacy and will keep you posted on further budget developments.