I've waited years to see this. And Tuesday, Feb. 7, was definitely worth the wait. Six residents moved into their own home in Brooklyn -- the "Dream House" or E. 52nd St. Residence, whichever you prefer. It doesn't get much better than this.
There were parents hanging boxes, bags of clothing being dragged in, hooks going up on closet doors, siblings working on the wireless system . . . just like any
other people moving into a new home.
But this was not an average day by any means. The home had been imagined more than a decade ago, and talked about and planned for during the last 10 years. Parents -- some of whom are no longer alive -- dreamed of a home where their adult children could one day live together. It seemed as if no matter how long they had planned for this day, it still took them by surprise that it actually had arrived.
The guys however, seemed to take it all in stride. They've grown up together and it was quite clear there glad to be in their own home.