On November 5, around 1000 people with disabilities, family members, staff and other concerned citizens, including 200 representatives from YAI, joined together to protest Governor Paterson’s proposed 10 percent cut to services for people with developmental disabilities. The rally was held at 250 Broadway, where Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s New York City office is located.
The huge turnout, organized in a very short amount of time by the InterAgency Council of MR and Developmental Disabilities Agencies, was a manifestation of the grave crisis facing New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and the agencies that serve them. People with disabilities, their families and staff members who serve them have rallied with exceptional speed and organization to oppose the drastic program cuts that would be required by the proposed funding reductions.
In addition to the rally, advocates are holding a vigil outside Governor Paterson’s office in the State Capital. Concerned citizens are also urged to write their state legislators to express their opposition.