The holiday season has arrived and kicked into high gear at the YAI Network!
On Tuesday, December 7, YAI's Brighter Futures Society hosted its annual holiday party at the Bohemian National Hall on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The glittering evening was attended by BFS members and YAI service recipients.
The Brighter Futures Society is a group of young professionals dedicated to furthering the mission of the YAI Network. BFS members volunteer their time in a variety of ways, including spending time with YAI service recipients, providing professional mentorship, and hosting fundraising events. Some BFS members attend YAI programs with service recipients, like arts & crafts and recreational activities.
"The BFS is about making a positive impact in the community and creating memorable experiences for YAI's consumers and this event is a great representation of that,” says Kerin Nadler, BFS Chair.
In keeping with the festive holiday spirit, the party had something for everyone in attendance. Food was generously provided by Heartland Brewery, and BFS members arranged for dancing, bingo, karaoke and cookie decorating to get everyone in a festive mood.
Not that the attendees needed much prodding. Peter, who attends YAI’s Employment Initiatives program, said of the evening, “We have fun and enjoy ourselves and this party gets us ready for the holidays. The BFS members are pretty cool and I like to party with them!"
This was Korey’s second year enjoying the holiday party. He attends one of YAI’s Day Services programs, and for him, the event hadn’t lost any of its luster in the following year.
"Everybody enjoys themselves, and I get to talk to a lot of people. We all laugh a lot and the night is very fun," he said, taking a brief break from the bingo table.
As always with YAI events, the best part of the evening wasn’t the food, music or games, but the time spent with each other.
BFS Chair Nadler said, “I love the Holiday Party because I get face time with the consumers. This is a fun-filled night and seeing the consumers so happy really warms all of the BFS members’ hearts.”
“I always leave looking forward to the next one to come around," she added.