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Marissa Bode is speaking out against mean comments about her disability. She plays a girl named Nessarossa who is in a wheelchair and the actor in real life is disabled and in a wheelchair too. 

She felt disrespected by people who made jokes about her disability like “stand up for yourself.” Marissa thinks it’s okay to not like a character in a movie, but her disability is real life. When people made jokes about the character, they made jokes about her, and she felt hurt.  

Bode encourages viewers who are nondisabled to think about how their comments affect people. She loves seeing real disabled actors playing disabled characters because no one knows better than us. Marissa Bode will return to her role in part 2. 

Hero image by Our Movie Guide - "Wicked" - Los Angeles Premiere Interviews | The cast are interviewed at the Los Angeles Premiere., CC BY 3.0, Link